There are two different ways in which a person can be involuntarily assessed or treated for mental illness, depending if the person is living in the community or is charged with a criminal offence:
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Caxton Legal Centre Incorporated acknowledges the Jagera (Yuggera) and Turrbul peoples who are the Traditional Custodians of this land on which we work. We recognise the ongoing connection to the land, waters and community of the Traditional Custodians. We also recognise, respect and celebrate the cultural distinctions of the First Nations peoples and value their rich and positive contribution to Queensland and to broader Australian society. With respect we strive to achieve justice and inclusion for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The Queensland Law Handbook is produced by Caxton Legal Centre Inc (ABN 57 035 448 677) with the assistance of volunteers with legal experience in Queensland.
The Handbook is intended to give general information about the law in Queensland as at July 2016.
The content of the Queensland Law Handbook does not constitute legal advice, and if you have a specific legal problem, you should consult a professional legal advisor.
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1 Manning Street
South Brisbane Qld 4101
T: (07) 3214 6333