Introduction to Aviation and Big Data Applications


Delve into big data with HKU SPACE

Big data has the power to enhance operations and boost profitability in almost every sector. When it comes to the aviation industry, data applications can help with pricing, security checks, and aircraft maintenance.

On this four-week course from HKU SPACE, you’ll delve into the many advantages of big data applications for aviation. You’ll learn about digital tools already in use, and gain the skills you need to drive digitalisation in future.

Explore the value of big data applications for the aviation industry

Digital transformation has become a priority for airlines and airport operators everywhere. By digitalising and automating their services, companies can improve customer experience while building efficiency.

Guided by experienced aviation practitioners, you’ll learn how big data applications can bring value to aviation companies.

Gain the skills you need to drive digital transformation

As well as a general understanding of how big data interacts with the aviation industry, you’ll also gain the specific skills needed to use big data applications. You’ll learn how to identify and harness data sources for pricing, marketing, airport operations, and more.

You’ll finish the course fully equipped to drive digital transformation in your own organisation.

This course is designed for professionals working in aviation and related industries who want to know more about the uses of big data applications in aviation business, operation, and management.

You will need some prior knowledge of aviation to get the most out of this course.
